I saw this pic on one of the socials the other day and it cracked me up! Being ‘normal’ is overrated isn’t it?! (Plus there is no such thing as normal anyhow!). I’ve always admired the actress Sigourney Weaver, especially for her powerful acting in the highly suspenseful movie franchise ‘Alien’. This was a photo from her high school yearbook. Seems like she knew herself well, even as a teenager! …. And if you are dealing with anxiety, stress, overwhelm or panic attacks (unrelated to watching scary movies such as ‘Alien’), then I have something for YOU… (keep reading until the bottom).
Let’s Embrace the ‘And’…
Life can be hard at times right?
Relationships hurt at times right?
We lose people we love sometimes right?
Things don’t always go according to plan right?
We all know how life goes, it can be a real roller coaster, but, as humans, we have no choice but to embrace the good AND the bad because there is no escaping the down times.
Ah ‘Adulting’…
When you are an adult life isn’t all black and white. There is a heck of a lot of grey that we have to navigate, and in my experience one of the best things you can do to manage rough times is to return to yourself AND get support.
You can see what I am referring to in this below post.
Why We Need to Return to Peace and Why We Need Others
It is imperative to learn how to tap into the inner peace that NEVER abandons us, even when the sh*t hits the fan, because if you can master this, it will see you through the toughest of times.
The other piece to this is, if you are struggling, in your relationship or in your life, the why aren’t you getting assistance?
Whether that is help from a family member or a friend, or help that you pay for, like a therapist or coach, why do you find the need to go it alone?
No Man or Woman is an Island
When I was younger I was definitely a ‘go it aloner’ type.
I felt I had to manage everything on my own and that to request help was a sign of weakness.
But then came a difficult period in my life (my late twenties) that knocked me off my feet. I literally could not get out of bed and go to work. I needed help, and knowing that I was pretty well at rock bottom, I eventually found the courage to ask for it. I asked for support from family and friends, and I hired a therapist. Asking for help was the best thing I could ever have done as it enabled me to hit the reset button and from that point on, build a life that was much more joyful and stable.
Looking back at that time, I can see now that if I hadn’t asked for help, I would have limped along, suffering alone, and it would have taken me that much longer to get on the right track.
‘I don’t have the time, I don’t want to spend the money, I don’t want others to think badly of me, I don’t think X,Y,Z will work for me (despite working for others), I am worried about what I might discover…’ .
Yes…These are all valid and natural objections, but as you likely know, you are only going to gain in your life or in your relationship if you risk something. Staying stuck, adhering to the status quo, playing small, resisting change etc. are all choices (even if they don’t feel like choices), but let me tell you, in my experience as a therapist, the decision to not take action can cost you a lot more in the end.
Staying stuck and taking a risk are both hard, choose your hard wisely!
Last Chance!
You know where you can find guidance around returning to yourself and tapping into your own inner wisdom, as well as getting the support you need?
In my Revitalized Relationships on-line program for women that starts this Tuesday, September 24th!
If you are reading this, and thinking; ‘Yes, I could use more peace and support in my life’, then I encourage you to join us.
Click the button below to book a Zoom call with me to find out more.
All women are welcome!
Listen To This, if Stress, Anxiety or Panic Attacks Are Getting You Down
For those who deal with anxiety, and certainly we all do at times (if we didn’t it would mean we are dead!) you may be interested to know that research has shown that people who listen to this one particular song, experience up to a 65% reduction in their anxiety, AND it only takes 3 minutes of listening to this song to reap this benefit. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that listening to this song is as effective as taking medications such as Ativan or Valium.
This is impressive!
What is the song in question?
Well you will have to click on the below video to find out.
Let me know how it goes!
Take care,