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Do you suspect that your partner has checked out of your marriage or long-term relationship?

In my new video (scroll down) I will share 6 signs that may indicate  that your partner has disconnected emotionally from you.

A rainy day at the counselling office…

It was nice to get back into the office this week and to see my wonderful clients in-person. It seems as if I have been doing a lot more on – line counselling lately and it was great to escape my home office. And with the excellent Chez Christophe coffee shop on the ground floor, it is hard to resist grabbing a hot Americano and a chocolate croissant to enjoy before my morning sessions. (Not so great for the waistline though!)

6 Signs That Your Partner is Emotionally Disconnected

Today I am talking about emotional disconnection.

Emotional Disconnection is the leading cause of divorce and can have significant negative effects over the long term for the partner on the receiving end. If you are at a loss as to what to do with regards to your relationship and the partner that you love, this video (at bottom below) will bring clarity as to the steps you need to take so you can repair your relationship and get back to feeling fulfilled and at peace.

The Power of Listening

Our culture is fascinating. There are rewards for overworking, making bucket loads of money, being gorgeous and attaining fame but there are no rewards for listening and being curious.

And that is a shame, as we need more listening and less talking. Now I’ll be the first to admit that I am a talker! But I also know when to listen. When you are a therapist, it is a must.

‘Voice without echo dies’ means that every speaker needs a listener. Not just a surface level listener who absorbs 60% of what is being said and then parrots it back so they can get on to doing what they were doing before you approached them, no, I am referring to deep listening, a listener who is truly present and attuned to what is going on with you.

A deep listener would be someone who makes eye contact, is registering the tone of your voice, your body language, all the non-verbal ways you are expressing yourself.

Primarily the listener needs to understand the emotion and the message behind the words and then name the emotion.

An Example

“I can tell you are feeling disappointed because I forgot about the dinner with your family. I get that and I apologize, how can I make it up to you?

With the above example the emotion word would be disappointment. The listener has reflected back what they feel is the emotion behind their partner’s sentence and is attempting to make amends. If they have pinpointed the feeling behind the words correctly their partner will feel heard and understood.

If ‘disappointment’ is not what their partner is feeling, this reflecting back allows the speaker to further clarify.

For example:

“I wasn’t disappointed that you forgot about the dinner, I was angry“.

Now you are getting somewhere!… and through this continuing dialogue you are gaining clarity and your partner is on the road to feeling more understood.

Why Having a Listener in Your Life Matters

Not having a deep listener in your life can be a lonely experience. Everyone deserves a listener.

In relationships a lack of listening is a red flag that something is off. The good news however is that anyone who wants to become a masterful listener can, but it takes motivation to do so and practice.

In this video I look at other red flags beyond a lack of listening, such as ‘stonewalling’, that may indicate that your relationship needs some attention and healing. I also share why having a partner who is emotionally disconnected can be dangerous to you, and lastly, what to do if you find yourself in this challenging relationship situation.

Have a watch and if you find this information is useful to you, please give it a ‘like’ leave a comment, and subscribe for more videos on resilient, revitalized relationships.



Click on picture to watch ‘6 Signs That Your Partner is Emotionally Disconnected’….

*And if you find you are in need of additional support contact us at and ask us how we can assist.

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